Helps you test your server-side game logic.
- prepares game state and game entities according to your scenario
- helps mimic and test events sent by players
- executes your Actions so you can test the outcome
One test file per Action you wanna test (example using Jest)
import { type ServerPlayerMessage } from "@cardsgame/server"
import { setupServerTesting } from "@cardsgame/server-testing"
// ...
let state: MyGameStateClass
let deckEvent: ServerPlayerMessage
// Initiate testing lib
const { reset, populateState, makeInteraction, testEvent } = setupServerTesting(
{ action: DrawCards }
beforeEach(() => {
// Always reset state first.
// Testing lib internally relies on updated references to the state object
state = myOwnStateSetup()
// Create object to behave as "player touched deck of cards"
deckEvent = makeInteraction({ type: "deck" })
test("drawing a card from deck", () => {
// Populate state with some additional entities
{ type: "deck" },
childrenNamed(["SA", "SK", "SQ", "SJ", "S10"]),
// Test if your `DrawCards` action has proper conditions in place
state.isGameStarted = true
state.isGameStarted = false